You have questions? We’ve tried to answer common ones. If you don’t see the information you need, please hit our contact page!

While we hate the answer: "It depends", there are so many variables: Set up, weather, how many actors are working together, how long the script is, how busy that actor(s) may be and more. A decent rule of thumb is three business days, but all work here that you hire is coordinated with that specific talent that will answer this independently.
Know that "rush jobs" will likely affect your pricing and most actors will try to accommodate rush jobs as their schedule allows.
Scripts are great as they tell us what your needs are. Most actors can work without a script, but you must give us and idea of what you think your hook is, the main points and your CTA.
Many buyers ask for a "scroll stopper". While a bit similar to a hook, it's usually a screen action that will cause anyone scrolling by, to stop and see what's up!
A hook is dialogue spoken by the actor specifically designed to attract a certain demographic for a certain interest.
"Shopping for Medicare?"
"Phone not staying charged?"
"When you have ants, this is the best thing to try."
and so on.
What will "Hook" the intended audience to stay and listen?
A Shot List is a detailed list of what to with the product in what situation or location and if any words are to be said, and so on. Some are incredibly detailed, some not so much. Such as:
Shot 1) Hold product and speak, "See how it turns on?!:"
Shot 2) With camera at knee level, walk away from camera, be sure shoes are seen. Walk about 10 feet, turn pause a moment, walk back to, then past camera.

And so on.
Generally speaking the more elaborate your shot list the higher your price.
Call To Action!
After your audience watches a video, what do you want them to do? "Click the button below" is one example. It happens at the end of your ad.
A weak, poorly worded, or non-existent CTA will kill your ad.
Our clients vary from, "I don't care, you decide." all the way to, "Hold the product this way, when you say..." and then do... The more specific you can be with expectations, the more likely we are to hit your dream shot.
On the other hand, the more detailed your request, your price will likely rise with that level of detail. See "What is a Shot List" just above.
First, each actor negotiates independently. There are many variables considered:
-How much set up is there
-How many scenes are there (How extensive is the shot-list)?
-How many actors
-How long the script
-How busy that actor(s) may be
-Is any travel (specifically requested) site shot required?
-Is it a simple read, or is there actually a commercial being produced and more.
The most common (you see a lot on ticktok) is
9:16. That is 9 wide x 16 high. You might call this portrait.
16:9 That is 16 wide x 9 high. This is landscape.
1:1 or Square. You see this on InstaGram quite a bit.
Need something else? Please message us!
The general answer is that if we've not actually used the product/service, then no. Generally a script can be changed to reflect more of a spokesperson feel. See the FAQ about representing your product "in hand".
What's the difference?
A testimonial assumes the actors direct recommendation. Think, "I" used this and "I" know.
A spokes person is just like any actor you see on TV that says, "Try Bob's bacon! You'll love it!" There's no statement of personal testimony.
Once we agree on all the particulars, we'll provide a shipping address for you to ship to. We do not return products unless previously agreed.
This normally requires you to provide for return shipping.
We will not purchase products from retail or online sources unless prepayment is included. Also, many actors charge a small fee to re-box your product and take it to a shipper.
Generally yes!
This is all part of our discovery process, but we need to know ahead to include pricing for additional processing and editing
Like above, direct testimonials where we've not actually used product or service.
Also refused are personal things like undergarments, bathing suits, topicals ointments or make up, supplements, religious political, or adult products/scripts, or anything that pushes any kind of hate agenda.
Finally, as it is our image and likeness being used, we reserve the right to refuse any script at will.

Of course each actor here may have other stipulations or limits. It's best to ask!
This also depends on the artist. Most of us have several locations to shoot in if only inside/outside our place of residence.
Most of us will also be happy to travel to some degree for a custom location, just part of the pricing we finalize for you.
Most actors have fairly recent model cell phones to work with. Some have 4k video cams and other capability like green screen. Use our contact page to ask the actor.
You can also visit Grants product list page. There's a good indication there too.
This is where you want us to "open the box"! We'll show how it's packed, how it goes together, and any other specifics you wish.
-How it installs
-How to charge it
-Be sure to show "this feature!" and so on.

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