How do I start UGC acting?

We’re constantly hearing from actors from other genres wondering how to get started.

You’ll not be surprised at the answer: We have a webinar coming up for that! See below for more information.

Want to make some extra cash each month or expand your services by creating User Generated Content? If you’ve scrolled down your social feed, you’ve probably seen UGC videos! Using just a phone and an easy-peasy editing app, we create dozens of videos for clients each month, make great money, AND get some awesome products delivered to our door for free!

The best part is, you don’t need acting chops or professional gear, and you DEFINITELY don’t need a 10/10 hot bod. 😛 And even better- companies need content creators for ALL demographics. Whether you’re a big burley man, a new mom with a little one, or a cross country skier- clients want you. If you want to learn how we do it, check out the courses we’re putting on through Voice Actor Resources (and no, you don’t need to be a voice actor to join!)

Click now to learn more!

Getting Started

Well if you aren't afraid to post a video with your cat on social media, you probably have the minimum acting and equipment needs already.

Buyers want "real". So many UGC actors look like they are acting. Your success will be limited by the reactions they get on the ads YOU create! So if they order an ad from you and it doesn't get clicks, they won't be back. The opposite is also true. You get them clicks, they will keep ordering.

You must be friendly, likeable, in some cases authoritative and in all cases, believable (never fake or condescending)!
You need a smart phone, some software for teleprompter and you can visit Grants product list page. There's a good indication there too.

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